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CA Final MCQs
Q1. Company XYZ Ltd. seeks to appoint an Additional Director on account of increase in work load. Which of the following ways can be opted for his appointment?
AOA gives power then BM-OR can be passed
If AOA is silent then GM-OR to grant power and BM-OR to make the appointment
Both a. and b.
Neither a. or b.
Q2. In the same situation as above, if he reappointed as NED, what will be his position?
May continue as NED for 3 years
May continue as ED for 3 years
MaycontinueasEDfor2 years and as NED for 1 year
None of the above
Q3. Mr. PQR has been appointed as Additional Director on the Board of Meghna Ltd. on 12th January, 2016. Mr. PQR has filed his consent to Act as a Director only with the company. Is the appointment valid?
Yes, as consent with Company is paramount for assuming office
No, Filing of consent with ROC is mandatory to assume office
Yes, as filing of consent with ROC is not mandatory for Additional Director
None of the above
Q4. Mr. Chetan, an Executive Director is rotated after 3 years of his 5 year tenure and retires & vacates office as NED. Explain his position in the Company.
Can continue as ED
Cannot continue as ED
Cancontinueas employee
None of the above
Q5. In the situation above, if resolution for A’s retirement and re-appointment was passed. However, before the resolution for B’s could be taken up for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. In the adjourned meeting also, the said resolution could not be taken up and the meeting was ended without passing the resolution for B’s retirement and reappointment. What will be the status of B as a director in the company?
Q6. ABC Company Ltd. in its First General Meeting appointed 6 Directors whose period of office is liable to be determined by rotation. Will it make any difference, if ABC Company Ltd. does not carry on business for Profit?
Sec 8 companies are exempted
Sec 8 companies are not exempted
Retirement shall be as per terms of agreement
None of the above
Q7. A company XYZ Ltd. has 8 directors including 1 Additional Director, 1 Casual Vacancy Director, 1 Small Shareholder’s Director. Calculate number of Directors to be rotated.
None of the above
Q8. Under sec 160, any person who wants himself to be appointed or a member wants to nominate any person shall apply at registered office of company with fees of Rs. 1 lakh or higher amount as may be prescribed. FUD Ltd, receives an application for appointment of 1 director by members, 2 recommended by Nomination and Remuneration Committee constituted u/s 178 including 1 Independent Director. What is the total amount deposited with Company on such application?
INR 3 Lakhs
INR 2 Lakhs
INR 1 Lakh
Q9. Company seeks to appoint Mr. X, a retiring director. Under which section can the same be done?
Sec 160
Sec 152(7)
Any of the above
Q10. A company on the Board consisting of the following: a. Mr. Independent, Mr. Archie as nominees from two Public Financial Institutions. b. Mr. X, Mr. Y, Mr. Z appointed at the 2nd AGM. c. Mr. A, Mr. B appointed at the 3rd AGM. d. Mr. Addition was appointed as additional director subsequent to 3rd AGM. e. Mr. Casual was appointed as director in place of Mr. Soul who died and was earlier appointed during the 3rd AGM. f. Mr. Excellent was appointed as Managing Director for 5 years w.e.f. 2nd AGM. g. Mr. One More was appointed as additional Director soon after appointment of Mr. Addition. List out in order, who shall be vacating the office at the 4th AGM of the company.
Mr. Addition, Mr. One More, 2 from Mr. X, Mr. Y & Mr. Z and Mr. Casual
Any 2 from Mr. X, Mr. Y & Mr. Z and Mr. Casual
Mr. Addition, Mr. One More, 2 from Mr. X, Mr. Y & Mr. Z and Mr. Casual on the day Mr. Soul would have retired
Any 2 from Mr. X, Mr. Y & Mr. Z and Mr. Casual on the day Mr. Soul would have retired