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CA Final MCQs
Q1. Notice of proposed scheme inviting objects or suggestion from registrar or official liquidation is issued by transferor or transferee in Form
Q2. Majority shareholders shall deposit amount of value of shares acquired by them in separate bank A/c for atleast------------ for payment to minority.
6 months
10 months
1 year
Q3. The members an creditors have agreed to the scheme of compromise and arrangement in dual majority as per the Companies Act, 2013. But the Tribunal has not sanctioned the scheme of compromise and arrangement. Comment on the following whether the scheme shall be binding on company, all creditors, members or class thereof?
The scheme shall be binding on company, all creditors, members or class thereof only when approved by requisite majority in number and value
The scheme shall be binding on company, all creditors, members or class thereof when sanctioned by tribunal but not necessarily approved by members, creditors, or class thereof
The scheme shall be binding on company, all creditors, members or class thereof when approved by members, creditors, class thereof and sanctioned by Tribunal
None of the above
Q4. Which of the following concept is the result of dispute
Q5. Can the Tribunal intervene by supervising or modifying it for its implementation after sanctioning the scheme of Compromise & Arrangement
No the Tribunal cannot interfere in between the once the scheme is being sanctioned
It is the duty of officers appointed, if any or directors to follow the orders of Tribunal and make the scheme implement properly
Both a and b
Yes the Tribunal has the power to supervise or give directions or make modification to make proper implementation of the scheme
Q6. The scheme of compromise or arrangement should be approved by the members or class of members or creditors or class of creditors. What is the minimum requirement for the same
It shall be approved by more than 50% majority in number of members, class of members, creditors and class of creditors
It shall be approved by more than 75% majority in value of members, class of members, creditors or class of creditors
It shall be approved by more than 75% majority in number of members, class of members, creditors and class of creditors
Both a and b togeth er
Q7. Transferee Company u/s 235 shall give notice to dissenting shareholders in Form
CAA 14
Q8. Majority voting u/s 235 is?
75% in value
90% in value
100% in total
25% in value
Q9. For buy-back of securities which is part of scheme of compromise and arrangement, is it necessary to comply with Section 68 of Companies Act, 2013 separately
As sec 230 is a complete code, it Is not necessary to comply with sec 68 of companies act, 2013
The tribunal shall not sanction the scheme of C&A involving buyback of securities unless there is compliance of Section 68
Depends on Annual General Meeting
Depends on Directors
Q10. In the scheme of merger and amalgamation of ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd., the valuation of former company was done on the basis of Book Value method while the valuation of second company was done on the basis of average market price method. The Regional director opposed the case saying that the method of valuation for pricing of the shares shall be same. Decide on the above whether this valid or not?
The tribunal shall reject the scheme on the ground that RD has contended on the valuation of the shares
The valuation of shares are carried by professionals and hence unless there is some fraud or mala fide intention involved, the scheme can be approved by the Tribunal
Depends on Annual General Meeting
Depends on Directors
Q11. When registrar refuses registration of offer of scheme the aggrieved party file appeal to tribunal in Form---- -------- with affidavit---------
Q12. Who can make an application to the NCLT under section 230
Member or any class of members
Creditors or any class of creditors
Company itself
All of the above
Q13. Satyam Ventures Limited, a listed company filed a petition to the tribunal for the scheme of Compromise and Arrangement under Section 230. The Scheme included a takeover offer. The Tribunal approved the scheme of C&A but there was no compliance followed by the Listed company as per the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011. Comment on the following case
The Tribunal has sanctioned the scheme and hence binding on company, members, creditors or class therof and no further compliance is necessary
Compromise or Arrangement may include takeover offer but for listed companies, takeover offer shall be according to SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 and compliance needs to be done according to
Depends on Annual General Meeting
Depends on Directors
Q14. In the famous case of Sadanand Varde Vs State of Maharashtra, what all has been held: 1. Provisions relating to compromise, arrangement and amalgamation are a complete code 2. A scheme of compromise or arrangement is intended to be a single window clearance system 3. If a scheme of C&A includes increasing share capital, it can be done as a part of scheme without complying with the specific provisions of Companies Act 4. If a scheme of C&A includes reduction of share capital, it can be done as a part of scheme but with complying with the specific provisions of Companies Act
1,3 &4
1,2 &3
All points 1-4
Q15. Whether the unsecured creditors holding decree but not executed and other unsecured creditors stand under different class for the purpose of meeting to be held under compromise and arrangement
Obtaining decrees or filling suits by an unsecured creditor does not make him a secured creditor and considered as single class
Unsecured creditor holding decree and unsecured creditor have different rights shall be treated in different classes for Compromise and arrangement
Depends on Annual General Meeting
Depends on Directors
Q16. For division of classes or considering the class of members or creditors, will equity and preference shareholder stands under the same class or different
Equity and preference shareholder shall be considered in different class
They both belong under the same class as they are a part of share capital together
Depends on Annual General Meeting
Depends on Directors
Q17. Valuation for listed Companies for purchase of minority shareholding be done according to
Fair price of shares
Methodological format
As decided by SEBI
Highest price during paid 12 mths
Q18. Comment on the following whether it is true or false: Where a decree has already been executed, the unsecured creditors will not be clubbed with those who are yet to obtain decrees
As the decree has been executed, the rights and liabilities are different and hence the statement is true
Even though the decree has been executed, the rights and liabilities remains same hence the statement is false
Depends on Annual General Meeting
Depends on Directors
Q19. Liability in respect of offences committed under this act shall not anyway continue after such merger, amalgamation, acquisition? True or false
Partly true
Partly false
Q20. The tribunal may not call the meeting or creditors or class of creditors in the following situations
When the creditors or class of creditor majority in number have given their consent in writing
When the creditors or class of creditor majority in number and majority in value have given their consent in writing
When the creditors or class of creditor of 90% in value have given their consent by way of affidavit
When the creditors or class of creditor of 75% in value have given their consent by way of affidavit