In this article, we will be talking about the Best SEO Keyword Planning Tools which are more than sufficient for your Keyword Planning. Without further wasting any time, let's start looking at the top keyword planning tools.

1. Google Keyword Planner

I am surprised to see many articles put this tool at the bottom of their list. This should be your number one source of information with regards to the keywords. Google keyword planner was an individual website however now you require to have a Google Ads account to access it. Let's look at how you can make the most of this tool. Once your account is ready, you can visit this link to access the tool. You can see the following two options in the tool:  Google keyword planner Options Option I: Discover New Keywords This option is best for SEO, as it will not only give you the search volumes of the keywords but also provide you complete list of related keywords, this helps you add them to your content. Let's take a look. Here you have an option to add the keywords, you can also edit the country to check the search volumes and CPC in other countries as well. Option II: Get Search Volume & Forecasts This option is mostly used by advertisers to get the idea about the traffic expected, this tool will not suggest you any extra terms related to the keyword and this is the reason which should not be using this option but the previous one. No matter what tools you use, you should always take a look at Google Keyword Planner. Also Read: Best Article Submission Sites SEO

2. Soovle

This is a great tool, where you get the keyword suggestions for Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Answers & Wikipedia. The best part about this tool is that it suggests all the keywords in one go & you can drag those keywords to the saved keywords lists. This can be later exported as CSV, you can then import this list on Google keywords planner and get the search volumes for them. You can also click on the "Engines" link on the top right side menu and add more engines. You can select 7, 11 or 15 results per page. This is a good option if you are looking for website-specific data. You can access the tool from this link.

3. Jaaxy

This tool gives you 30 free searches for your keywords, however, to access the 30 free searches you will require to create a free account on this website. You can access the tool from this link. You can either search with the phrase or with the website URL. This tool also helps you check the site rank as well. The unique thing about this tool is that it gives you more variety of suggestions compared to the other tools mentioned in this article. Offers QSR It also suggests QSR i.e. Quoted Search Results in which it shares the exact number of websites competing for this exact keyword. Offers KQI Keyword Quality Indicator also shows the Quality of the keyword, they have categorized it into 3 segments (great, normal & poor). As per our observation, it gives poor to general or head keywords, whereas it gives great to long-tail keywords. SEO Score It also helps understand the SEO score, which indicates how easy or difficult is it to rank an article on the search engines. Domain  In the paid plans they also suggest the domains available for the set of keywords. You can leverage this to get keyword-based domain names and get backlinks from these sites.

4. Keywords Everywhere (Chrome / Firefox Extension)

This was a free tool however now since it has become popular and they have made it a paid tool, however, the credits are very affordable. This extension works in an amazing manner and shows all the related search terms on SERP  (Search Engine Results Page) itself. Since it shows everything on Google itself you do not require to go to a separate website, this saves a lot of time. You can install the tool from this link. As seen in the above screenshot you can get the SEO Difficulty, Off-Page Difficulty, On-Page Difficulty & also whether the search terms is a Brand Keyword or not. Keywords Search Trends You can also get information about the trends of the keyword. This gives you a good idea of whether you should consider the keyword for your content or not.   Related Keywords You will also be shown the related keywords. There will be an option to download or copy these keywords. People Also Searched Just like the related keywords you also get the data about the "People Also Searched" keywords. Long-Tail Keywords Login Tail Keywords are the favorite of all the SEO experts as they are a great entry point to get your website ranked. These keywords are also suggested by the tool. Competitor Data The tool also gives you data of all the competitors ranking on Google. It tells you the organic traffic for the URL which is ranking, the entire domain name, and also shows the total keywords for which the URL & the website are ranking. Pro Tip: Even if you don't buy the paid credits of the keywords everywhere, you can also export these keywords and check their search reports on the "Google Keyword Planner" Also Read: Best Infographic Submission Websites for SEO


This tool is a very nice tool as it doesn't just restrict the search engine search volumes but also helps with YouTube, Amazon, Bing, eBay, Play Store, Instagram & Twitter. This website allows you to search without creating an account however, it does not show the search volumes unless you signup for the pro plans. If you are looking for the search volumes for Google, you can easily visit the Google Keyword Planner with these keywords & get the search volumes from there. However, this trick won't work for other websites such as YouTube, Amazon, etc. you will require to sign-up for the pro plan in that case. Also Read: How long does it take to learn SEO?


This tool does not only help with the Google Keywords but also helps you get an idea about the keywords being searched on YouTube, Amazon, Bing, Wikipedia, PlayStore, Fiverr & Other websites. The tool suggests the keywords for free however if you want the search volumes you will require to signup for the pro plan. Also, you will not be allowed to search unless you create a free account on this website. You will also require to verify your email id. You can access this tool from this link Pro Tip: You can get the keyword list and import it on Google Keyword Planner to get the search volumes for Google, for others you will require to buy the pro plan.

7. Uber Suggest

This tool has come a long way from just a keyword planning tool to a full SEO one. The tool has evolved after its acquisition by Neil Patel. It allows you to enter the keyword or the domain name so here you can insert your domain or your competitors' domain name. It allows you to select the country and the language as well. This tool gives you the search volume, SEO Difficulty Score, Paid Difficulty & also the CPC (Cost per Click). However, if you don't create an account it allows you to conduct only 3 searches. Content Ideas: This website also gives you content ideas around your keywords This tool is not only restricted to the keywords but also gives you the option to check your website rankings as well. You require to create a project before you can track your rankings.

8. Answer The Public

This is a very different type of keyword suggestion website. They don't give you the list of keywords and the search volumes however they will give you all the questions that people search for around that keyword. This is amazing since "Question Keywords" have a very good potential to rank high on Google. There is an option to export the suggestions in excel and you can again get back to your favorite Keyword Planner and check the search volumes for the suggestions you get from this tool.


There are many other tools out there, every year there are new tools that are getting launched however we should focus on the process and not just the tools, you can stick to 2 to 3 tools for getting a good list for brainstorming however it is important to understand the user intend before starting to work with the shortlisted keywords. The Keyword Planner tool is more like a suggestion on what can be selected however the decision should be taken based on the nature of the website and the results you want to achieve from your SEO campaigns. If this is not kept in mind, your SEO is likely to fail irrespective of the keyword planner tool you opt to choose.