Best Books for CA Final Students
Chartered Accountant (CA) Final Reference Books and ICAI suggested Best books are Listed here. Now some queries like, what are the finest books for candidates arise often. Some CA candidates study any single book and some other study many books for one subject. We’d like to explain that, this CA Final book list has been presented just for educational purpose and we don’t own any commercial interest.
To solve this problem, we’ll be offering a full list of best books for CA final students. Theses CA Final Books were listed out by FIN APP Education panel based on inputs from entire Toppers in India and student who scored exemptions in those particular subjects. The book which most professor and CA Final in entire India toppers have recommended is the ICAI Practice manual. Wherever you read any interview of the topper, you see that they’ve prepared from practice manual at least once.
Best Books for CA Final Students Recommended by Topper
- FR (Financial Reporting) – MP Vijay Kumar
- SFM – Pattabhi Ram and SD Bala (Many also recommend CA Final SFM books by CA Nikhil Jobanputra)
- Auditing – Vikas Oswal
- Law – Munish Bhandari
- AMA – Padhuka
- ISCA – Practice Manual
- DT (Direct Tax) – Vinod Gupta
- IDT ()Indirect Tax – ICAI SM
- The book is incredibly comprehensive.
- The Book provides detailed knowledge on entire topics knowledge one can get from this CA Final Law book.
- Covers every practical issue of past exams